Sudbury Valley School

  • Drupal 8
  • LEMP stack server
  • Twig
  • Javascript (jQuery)
  • CSS3 - SASS, Bourbon, Gulp
  • HTML5 - semantic, SVG
  • Adobe Illustrator
Primary Developer

The design of this site features stylized vector circles at the bottom of each page with interactive popups positioned at the intersections of overlapping circles. The major challenge was finding an efficient way to build the vectors responsively on page resize and calculate the locations of the intersections.

The circles are drawn as SVGs using the lightweight library svgjs. I made the decision to write all additional calculations from scratch in order to optimize the code and the math for near zero impact on page load times while remaining fully responsive on all screen sizes.

*Disclaimer: a number of changes have been made to the homepage of this site since my involvement in the project. 

SVS Interior screenshot 1
SVS interior screenshot 2
SVS homepage phone

Bartlett Interactive

  • Drupal 8
  • CSS3 - LESS, compass
  • HTML5 - video, SVG
Front-End Developer

While working as a developer at Bartlett Interactive I built the front-end of our redesigned company website. The project needed to be flawless in order to represent our best work for potential clients. It was a studio-wide effort to design and develop the site alongside other ongoing projects, but we all used it as an opportunity to flex our skills.

Our efforts paid off when the site received a 2017 American Web Design Award from Graphic Design USA.

Bartlett Interactive Case studies screenshot
Bartlett Interactive Taxonomy screenshot
Bartlett Interactive Design screenshot

Concussion Legacy Foundation

  • Drupal 7
  • PHP
  • CSS3
  • HTML5
Contributing Developer

While not part of the initial build, I was the primary maintainer of this site throughout 2017. Notable additions I oversaw include: CLF-Canada, the "Flag Football Under 14" campaign, and the "Impacted Lives" section. This project is a perfect example of the less glorious but equally important "maintenance and support" aspects of development.

CLF Flag football screenshot
CLF impacted lives screenshot


  • Wordpress
  • PHP
  • LAMP stack server
Full Stack Developer

This small Wordpress site was budgeted 40 hours total between myself and my project manager. Despite the limitations we finished the site in just over a week and came in 3 hours under budget (even after I used some time to build a handy little cubic yardage calculator for their customers). The client was thrilled by the end result, and while not the most novel project I ever worked on, it was a satisfying exercise working under tight deadlines and even tighter budgets.

DHloam Homepage screenshot
DHloam yardage calculator phone